Edgy went to London at the weekend! What a fantastic day, taking part in the London Makers Market at the very picturesque Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich. It was blowing a gale through the colonnades but we wrapped up and got the velcro and clothes pegs out to keep everything shipshape!
Really loved meeting all the very talented traders and a special shout out to the wonderful Olivia Huntingford for her superb organisational skills, not to mention her warmth and encouragement to all who participated. Big love x
The Hunky proved very popular with the extremely discerning Greenwich folks! Made sure I also bought myself a little something and took away some gorgeous Nuditea loose leaf tea to warm me up after a very breezy, thoroughly enjoyable market day in the big smoke. Edgy will be back on Saturday, 22 May - fingers crossed for still waters and smooth sailing!